The .prjt file
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All the files listed here are the one used by the "QuickStart" sample.
.prjt file
During texturation, RhinoCityTM use a ".prjt" file to define cameras and images to be used.
Camera_Number: 5 Camera_File: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Config\ Camera_File: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Config\ Camera_File: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Config\ Camera_File: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Config\ Camera_File: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Config\ Translation: 0.0 0.0 0.0 Extern_Orientations: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Config\QuickStart.flt Intern_Orientations: None Images_Folder: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Images Textures_Folder: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Textures Images_Ext: tif Textures_Ext: jpg Tempory_Folder:C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Temp Pack_Folder: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Textures |
Camera Number is the number of cameras used. Here, 5 is the number :
Camera_Number: 5
For each camera, there is a Camera_File entry giving the path to the camera file definition. Here : 5 entries
Camera_File: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Config\
Camera_File: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Config\
Camera_File: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Config\
Camera_File: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Config\
Camera_File: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Config\
Translation let's you to give a possibly translation apllied to you 3D model. Here, there is no translation given :
Translation: 0.0 0.0 0.0
Extern_Orientations is used to give the path to the '.flt' file. Here :
Extern_Orientations: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Config\RhinoCity.flt
Intern_Orientations must always be None :
Intern_Orientations: None
Images_Folder is the folder path where images are stored. Here :
Texture_Folder is the folder path where texture atlas will be created. Here :
Images_Ext is the extension of image files. Here :
Images_Ext: tif
Textures_Ext is the extension of texture atlas that will be created. Here :
Textures_Ext: jpg
Temporary_Folder is the folder path used internally during process to save temporary files. Here :
Pack_Folder : if present, must be equal to Texture_Folder (keeped for compability with older version). Here :
Pack_Folder: C:\RhinoCity\Samples\QuickStart\Textures
.cam file
The camera '.cam' file contains parameters related to a camera.
Type: Numerique Name: 145 Focal: 82.0426 Photo_PrincipalPtOffset: 0.035 -0.1198 Photo_FiducialCoordinate: 4 24.528 18.396 -24.528 18.396 -24.528 -18.396 24.528 -18.396 Radial_Distortion: 0 Pixel_Height: 6132 Pixel_Width: 8176 |
Type is always Numerique
Type: Numerique
Name is the internal name of the camera. These name is used in the .flt file, here :
Name: 145
Focal is the sensor focal in millimeters. Here :
Focal: 82.0426
Photo_PrincipalPtOffset is the offset of the sensor center in millimeters. Here :
Photo_PrincipalPtOffset: 0.035 -0.1198
Photo_FiducialCoordinate is the number of fiducial coordinates given to describe the camera. Here the number is 4.
Photo_FiducialCoordinate: 4
Next, are the coordinates given in millimeters. Points are to be described counterclockwise
Here :
24.528 18.396
-24.528 18.396
-24.528 -18.396
24.528 -18.396
Those values are related to the sensor size. Here, the sensor width and height are :
Width : 2x24.528 = 49.056 mm
Height : 2x18.396 = 36.792 mm
Respecting the counterclockwise direction, the most important is to start by the correct first point : the choice of the first point determines the rotation of the sensor.
Here, we have started by the "Top/Right" point :
Point #0 (top/right) : 24.528 18.396
Point #1 (top/left) : -24.528 18.396
Point #2 (bottom/left) : -24.528 -18.396
Point #3 (bottom/right) : 24.528 -18.396
Radial_Distortion is a way to describe a possibly radial distortion. Here, there is no distortion :
Radial_Distortion: 0
Pixel_Width is the with of the camera in pixels. Width is here 8176 pixels :
Pixel_Width: 8176
Pixel_Height is the height of the camera in pixels. Height is here 6132 pixels :
Pixel_Height: 6132
.flt file
The '.flt' file contains informations related to images.
AngleUnit: Degrees AngleDir: Trigo AngleOrder: Omega Phi Kappa 001_001_145000018 595029.801 5797105.239 1332.435 -0.03335 45.18026 -90.09151 0 145 001_001_147000018 595029.727 5797105.064 1332.432 44.91524 -0.02350 -90.65745 0 147 001_001_148000018 595029.664 5797105.350 1332.341 -45.13695 0.24993 -89.92361 0 148 001_001_159000018 595029.624 5797105.259 1332.470 -0.30755 -44.92630 -90.14694 0 159 001_001_163000018 595029.724 5797105.229 1332.406 -0.11925 0.10504 -90.39689 0 163 (...) |
The first three lines of the file give informations needed to read well all other lines regarding the angles.
AngleUnit is the unit used to describe angle values. This entry can be "Degrees", "Radians" or "Grades". Here, angles are expressed in degrees :
AngleUnit: Degrees
AngleDir is the direction of angles. Possible values are "Trigo" or "InverseTrigo". Here, direction is "Trigo" wich is the same than "couterclockwise" :
AngleDir: Trigo
AngleOrder is the way to give the columns order of the next lines describing images. Values must be "Omega", "Phi" and "Kappa" in a certain order. Here :
AngleOrder: Omega Phi Kappa
All other lines describe images. Those lines are organized in columns like this one :
001_001_145000018 595029.801 5797105.239 1332.435 -0.03335 45.18026 -90.09151 0 145
Column #1, the image name, without extension : 001_001_145000018
Column #2, X coordinate : 595029.801
Column #3, Y coordinate : 5797105.239
Column #4, Z coordinate : 1332.435
Column #5, Omega (according order given by AngleOrder) : -0.03335
Column #6, Phi (according order given by AngleOrder) : 45.18026
Column #7, Kappa (according order given by AngleOrder) : -90.09151
Column #8 is always 0
Column #9 is the camera's name as given in the '.cam' file : 145