Import a feature class definition

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Import a feature class definition




menu :

RhinoCity \ SIG \ Importer la définition de classes d’objets

ligne de commande :



Use this command to import the fetaure classes definitions from a configuration file into the current document.

Defining 3D modeler V2 features classes :

In the RhinoTerrainDB 'programData' configuration directory you will find a sample definition file defining the feature classes that are useful for the RhinoCityTM 3D modeler V2.

This is the file  ‘RhinoDB_FeatureClasses_ModelerV2.ini’ .

You can use this command with this file to create in a drawing the 3 feature classes "Building", "BuildingPart" and "RoofPrint".



You can use this function to recreate the 3 features classes "Building", "BuildingPart" and "Roofprint" used by the 3D building modeler and described in our recommendations.

Download  :

oRhinoCity_FeatureClasses_ModelerV2.ini (FR)

oRhinoCity_FeatureClasses_ModelerV2__EN.ini (UK)