Edit feature class definition

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Edit feature class definition



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RhinoCity \ SIG \ Editer la définition d’une classe d’objets

ligne de commande :



This  command is used to edit the definition of a feature class, that is, to create a new feature class or to modify an existing feature class.

The  « Layer » is used to select the layer associated with the feature class to be edited :

oIf the selected layer is associated with a feature class, the detail of this one is displayed in the grid

oIf the layer is not associated with a feature class, the grid prepares a new feature class by displaying its name (identical to that of the selected layer) and a default geometry type : 3D polygon



Use this button if wand to create a new feature class with a new layer.

Add an attribut

You can add an attribute by using the button clip0018, or by clicking in the "Class, Attributes" column just below the last used line, or simply by using the [Return]key.

Delete an attribute

You can delete an attribute by using the button clip0019, or simply by using the [Del]key.

Modify the name of a feature class or attribute

To edit the name, double-click in the celle containing the name or use the [F2]key.

Modify the geometry type of a feature class

The geometry type is selectable in the "Type" column on the first line of the grid. The list contains the types :

oPoint 3D

oPolyligne 3D

oPolygone 3D

o3D Multipatch

oPoint 2D

oPolyligne 2D

oPolygone 2D

Modify the type of an attribute

The type of an attribute is selectable in the "Type" column, on the line of the attribute concerned. The list contains the types :







oUnique ID  (OID)


oGlobal ID




Modifying the type of an attribute causes the value if this attribute to be updated on each object of the feature class.

This transformation is to be considered with great attention before being applied, especially when transforming a "String" type into a digital type.


For example, from "String" to "Real" : if the value stored as a string does not lend itself to transformation as a real number, the value resulting from the transformation will be 0.0.

String « 123.45 » clip0021 Real = 123.45 : transformation clip0022

String « V=123.45 » clip0023 Real = 0.0 : transformation clip0024


Modify the format of an attribute

The format is reserved for attributes of type "String", "Enumarated" and "Real double". It allows you to specifi the form in wich the value of the attribute will be displayed. For example, "3 digits after the decimal" for a "Real" attribute, "32 characters" for "String" attribute.

To edit the format, double-click in the cell or use the [F2] key.

Modify the default value of an attribute

To edit the value, double-click in the cell or use the [F2] key.

Edit comment of a feature class or attribute

To edit the comment, double-click in the cell or use the [F2] key.
