Display feature class definition

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Display feature class definition



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RhinoCity \ SIG \ Afficher la définition d’une classe d’objets

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This command displays a feature class definition.


A feature class is defined as the representation of an attribute schema that apllies to all objects in the class. In the Rhinoceros© interface, each existing feature class is associated with a layer. This, all objects on the layer have attributes defined by the feature class.

A feature class is characterized by :

oits name (this is also the name of the associated layer)

oThe type of geometry of objects belonging to it : 2D polylines, 3D polygons, etc.

oOne comment (optional)


Its also contains the definition of one or more attributes, each comprising :

oA name

oA type : string, integer, real number, date and so on.

oOne format (optional)

oA default value (optional)

oOne comment (optional)


For example, if the layer "Roofprint" exists and is associated with a feature class, you will get the following grid :

