PostGIS import
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menu : RhinoCity \ SIG \ PostGIS \ Importer |
ligne de commande : RhinoDBPostgisRead |
This command is used to import data from a PostGIS database.
PostGIS database import
La connexion à la base de données peut se faire soit à l’aide d’un fichier de type ‘pgservice.conf’, soit en saisissant directement les informations « Hôte + Base + Utilisateur + Mot de passe ».
Using a 'pgservice.conf' file: |
The connection to the database can be done either by using a file of type 'pgservice.conf' or by entering the 'Host + Base + User + Password' information directly.
Selecting one of these databases will automatically populate the "Host", "Base", "User" and "Password" fields (if these fields are entered in the configuration file).
Once the fields required for the connection have been filled in, you can use the "Test Connection" button to validate the correct entry of the parameters. Depending on the result of this test, a confirmation message will be displayed on a green background (success) or on a red background (failure).
The catalog of the database is displayed using the "Read catalog" button.
Only tables containing geographic information are displayed. In other words, to appear in this catalog, a table must have a 'geometry' column.
Within the catalog, the tables are grouped according to the schemas to which they belong and present the details:
1)of their projection system (SRID): author, identifier, string "Proj4" definition ...
2)of their attribute scheme: name and type
schema details
The selection of the data to be imported is done by checking / unchecking the boxes adjacent to the names of the schemas, tables and attributes.
To speed up the selection of items, you can right-click and access the context menu with the option of selecting all, deselecting all and / or reversing the selection. |
menu « selection » |
Selecting a table will cause the corresponding object class to be created in the drawing.