<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: RhinoCity > Geometry |
Here is the details of all commands related to "geometry" as shown on the toolbar displayed below :
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometry \ Offset 3d polyline |
command line : RtOffsetPolylines |
Like a standard "offset" command, this command creates parallel polylines to the selected polylines in entry.
But, optionally, you can choose to offset your polylines in Z too. Giving a value different from 0.0, vertices will be offseted to top with a positive value and to bottom with a negative value.
You can choose to automatically close opened selected polylines.
/!\ This a "2.5d" command : this means that a pure vertical polyline want be treated
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometry \ Manually create a multipoygon |
command line : RcGeometryCreateSingleMultiPolygon |
NEW V2.5
This command lets you create a manually a multipolygon, that is a polygon having hole(s) and/or island(s).
First, select the main curve and then select 1 to "n" curves used to represent hole(s) and or island(s).
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometry \ Automatically create multipolygons |
command line : RcGeometryCreateMultiPolygons |
NEW V2.5
This command creates automatically multipolygons : potentials holes are automatically found.
This function can only results to the creation of multipolygons having holes. "Islands" can't be created. If you really needs to add island(s) to a multipolygon, you have to use the manual function (see RcGeometryCreateSingleMultiPolygon).
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometry \ Check closed curves |
command line : RcGeometryVerifyCurvesClosed |
Allows to highlight curves (lines, polylines, polygons, free forms, circles, arcs, ...) which are not closed.
This command is very useful for controlling the geometry of roof curves and identify connectivity problems by example.
Giving a set of curve, those who are not closed will be returned as a selection.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometry \ Find self-intersecting curves |
command line : RcGeometryVerifyCurvesSelfIntersect |
Allows to highlight the closed curves (lines, polylines, polygons, free forms, circles, arcs, ...) that intersect themselves.
Giving a set of curves, those who are self intersected will be returned as a selection.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometry \ Find vertical segments |
command line : RcGeometryVerifyCurvesVerticalSegment |
Allows to highlight the curves (lines, polylines, polygons, free forms, circles, arcs, ...) that have strictly vertical segments.
Giving a set of curves, those whith vertical segments will be returned as a selection.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometry \ Find vertical polygons |
command line : RcGeometryVerifyVerticalPolygons |
NEW V2.5
Allows to highlight the polygons who are pure vertical polygons.
Giving a set of polygons, the vertical ones will be returned as a selection.
/!\ This command uses a tolerance expressed in degrees : this is a relative angle to the vertical.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Find duplicate polygons |
command line : RcGeometryVerifyDuplicate |
NEW V2.5
Allows to highlight the duplicated polygons.
Giving a set of polygons, the duplicated ones will be returned as a selection.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Change polygons orientation (clokwise or counterclokwise) |
command line : RcGeometryPolygonsOrientation |
NEW V2.5
Lets you ensure that selected polygons have a clokwise (CW) or a counterclockwise (CCW) orientation. Those having a wrong direction will be corrected.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Divide polygons |
lcommand line : RcGeometrySplitPolygons |
NEW V2.5
Using this command, you can cut a set of 3d opened polylines or polygons by a set of opened or closed polylines.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Dissolve polygons |
command line : RcGeometryDissolvePolygons |
NEW V2.5
Using this command, you can "dissolve" a set of polygons, that is to say obtain the resulting contour polygon encompassing the selected ones.
Furthermore, this command can be useful to detect non touching polygons by revealing very small gaps between those polygons.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Snap XY auto |
command line : RcGeometryAutoSnapXY |
Snap automatically curve's vertices (lines, polylines, polygons, free forms, circles, arcs, ...) located in the same area of tolerance.
The automatic movement of vertices is done only in the XY plane.
This command uses a tolerance : defined in the unity of the model, this is the maximum distance between vertex snapping to achieve.
/!\ The order of selection elements affect the displacement of the vertices. This is the first selected element serves as a reference. It is recommended to use a very low tolerance value (less than 0.001) in order to avoid distorting your model strongly moving vertices.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Snap XYZ auto |
command line : RcGeometryAutoSnapXYZ |
Snap automatically curve's vertices (lines, polylines, polygons, free forms, circles, arcs, ...) located in the same area of tolerance.
The automatic movement of vertices is done only in 3d : XYZ.
This command uses a tolerance : defined in the unity of the model, this is the maximum distance between vertex snapping to achieve.
/!\ The order of selection elements affect the displacement of the vertices. This is the first selected element serves as a reference. It is recommended to use a very low tolerance value (less than 0.001) in order to avoid distorting your model strongly moving vertices.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Snap XY manualy |
command line : RcGeometryManualSnapXY |
Snap automatically curve's vertices (lines, polylines, polygons, free forms, circles, arcs, ...) located in the same
area of tolerance.
The automatic movement of vertices is done only in the XY plane.
This command locks the Z value of the vertices. To facilitate attachment, the plane is moved. Also remember to
enable the attachment of Rhinoceros controls to simplify your work.
1. Before running the command, switch to edit mode vertices pressing the F10 key, then select the curve to
2. Select the vertex that you want to move, then confirm to end the command. You can then move the top to hang it on another existing vertex. Snapping is performed only in the XY plane.
/!\ Remember to replace the initial position construction plan at the end of the command.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Adjust coordinates |
command line : RcAlignCurvesToGrid |
NEW V2.5
This command rounds the coordinates of the selected polygons. An option allows you to choose the number of digits after the decimal point.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Smart geometry fixer |
command line : RcBuildingSmartGeometryFixer |
Automatically corrects arrangement of polygons buildings based on a tolerance value.
This command attempts to automatically align the tops and sides of polygons close. Proximity is bounded by a
tolerance value.
The adjustment is carried out first in the XY plane and then in the XYZ space.
This command uses a tolerance : defined in the unity of the model, the maximum tolerated when moving vertices distance.
The tolerance value must be consistent with the accuracy of the input data. If the input data are accurate to 10cm, you can use a value of 10-12cm.
/!\ It is advisable to test locally on the model before running the command on the whole roof polygons.
It might be interesting to run this command several times, gradually increasing the tolerance value : this
prevents deformation of the model.
2017/18/11 : deprecated function
RcBuildingSmartGeometryFixer command remains for compatibility reasons with older RhinoCityTM versions. But this is a deprecated function. It's better now to use the command described below : RcGeometrySnapPolygon
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Snap polygons |
command line : RcGeometrySnapPolygon |
NEW V2.5
Automatically corrects arrangement of polygons buildings based on a tolerance value.
This command attempts to automatically align the tops and sides of polygons close. Proximity is bounded by a tolerance value.
The adjustment is carried out first in the XY plane and then in the XYZ space.
Points getting from the smallest polygon are moved to fetch the biggest one segments.
This command uses a tolerance defined in the unity of the model : the maximum tolerated when moving vertices distance.
2017/18/11 : RcGeometrySnapPolygon vs RcBuildingSmartGeometryFixer
The advantage of RcGeometrySnapPolygon against RcBuildingSmartGeometryFixer is that this new function create less intersection points (see figure) :
both the two functions align points A , B' (point B moved), C' (point C moved) and D, but RcBuildingSmartGeometryFixer had the disavantage to create a point "i" at the intersection of [AD] and [BC]
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Snap polygons : source to target |
command line : RcGeometrySnapPolygonsSourceToTarget |
NEW V2.5
Automatically corrects arrangement of polygons getting from two different layers ("source" layer and "target" layer), based on a tolerance value.
This command attempts to automatically align the tops and sides of polygons close. Proximity is bounded by a tolerance value.
Points getting from the polygon of the "source" layer are moved to fetch segments from polygons of the "target" layer.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Verify coplanarity |
command line : RcVerifyPolygonCoplanarity |
NEW V2.5
Lets you ensure that selected polygons are coplanar. Those who are not will be returned as a selection.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Manually adjust coplanarity |
command line : RcAdjustRoofCoplanarity |
Use this command to adjust manually polygon(s) coplanarity.
First select a polygon. When selected, vertices of this polygon are displayed.
Then select 3 of this vertices defining the plane you want to be used as the coplanar reference.
Now, select vertices having to become coplanar and press [return].
/!\ In the last step, you have to select vertices having to become coplanar. Those vertices can get from another polygon than the one you selected to pick 3 points defining the plane !
But in this case, don't forget to show vertices you want to move first, by using the [F10] key, before to start the command.
Example : if you want to adjust vertices from the red polygon using points {A,B,C}, before to start the command, make this polygon vertices visible using the [F10] key.
Then run the command. At the moment to select vertices having to be moved, you'll be then able to select red polygon vertices.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Automatically adjust coplanarity |
command line : RcGeometryHealPolygons |
NEW V2.5
Use this command to adjust automatically polygons coplanarity.
Using a recursive algorithm, according a given tolerance, each polygon will be make coplanar.
/!\ Don't run this command on the whole roof polygons. Select roofs building per building to make them coplanar related one to each others.
menu path : RhinoCity \ Geometries \ Verify volume |
command line : RcGeometryVerifyVolume |
NEW V2.5
This command can be used to verify a closed mesh or Brep volume : a returned value equal to zero (0.00) indicate than the object is not a correct one.
If you select more than one object, the result returned will be the sum of each object volume.
The objects having a volume equal to zero will be returned as a selection.